AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
Status and Error Code Definitions. More...
Typedefs | |
typedef int32_t | status_t |
Type used for all status and error return values. More... | |
Status and Error Code Definitions.
Defines status and error codes for function return values. Basic status number structure:
typedef int32_t status_t |
Type used for all status and error return values.
Basic status number structure:
enum Status |
AFBR-S50 API status and error return codes.
Enumerator | |
STATUS_OK | 0: Status for success/no error. |
STATUS_IDLE | 0: Status for device/module/hardware idle. Implies STATUS_OK. |
STATUS_IGNORE | 1: Status to be ignored. |
STATUS_BUSY | 2: Status for device/module/hardware busy. |
STATUS_INITIALIZING | 3: Status for device/module/hardware is currently initializing. |
ERROR_FAIL | -1: Error for generic fail/error. |
ERROR_ABORTED | -2: Error for process aborted by user/external. |
ERROR_READ_ONLY | -3: Error for invalid read only operations. |
ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE | -4: Error for out of range parameters. |
ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT | -5: Error for invalid argument passed to an function. |
ERROR_TIMEOUT | -6: Error for timeout occurred. |
ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED | -7: Error for not initialized modules. |
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED | -8: Error for not supported. |
ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | -9: Error for yet not implemented functions. |
STATUS_S2PI_GPIO_MODE | 51: SPI is disabled and pins are used in GPIO mode. |
ERROR_S2PI_RX_ERROR | -51: Error occurred on the Rx line. |
ERROR_S2PI_TX_ERROR | -52: Error occurred on the Tx line. |
ERROR_S2PI_INVALID_STATE | -53: Called a function at a wrong driver state. |
ERROR_S2PI_INVALID_BAUDRATE | -54: The specified baud rate is not valid. |
ERROR_S2PI_INVALID_SLAVE | -55: The specified slave identifier is not valid. |
ERROR_NVM_EMPTY | -98: Flash Error: The read memory block was not written previously and contains no data. |
ERROR_NVM_OUT_OF_RANGE | -99: Flash Error: The memory is out of range. |
STATUS_ARGUS_BUFFER_BUSY | 104: AFBR-S50 Status: All (internal) raw data buffers are currently in use. The measurement was not executed due to lack of available raw data buffers. Please call Argus_EvaluateData to free the buffers. |
STATUS_ARGUS_POWERLIMIT | 105: AFBR-S50 Status: The measurement was not executed/started due to output power limitations. |
STATUS_ARGUS_PLL_NOT_LOCKED | 106: AFBR-S50 Status: The PLL was not locked when the measurement was started. The measurement frequency and this the range might be off. |
STATUS_ARGUS_NO_OBJECT | 108: AFBR-S50 Status: No object was detected within the field-of-view and measurement range of the device. |
STATUS_ARGUS_EEPROM_BIT_ERROR | 109: AFBR-S50 Status: The readout algorithm for the EEPROM has detected a bit error which has been corrected. However, if more than a single bit error has occurred, the corrected value is invalid! This cannot be distinguished from the valid case. Thus, if the error starts to occur, the sensor should be replaced soon! |
STATUS_ARGUS_INVALID_EEPROM | 110: AFBR-S50 Status: Inconsistent EEPROM readout data. No calibration trimming values are applied. The calibration remains invalid. |
ERROR_ARGUS_NOT_CONNECTED | -101: AFBR-S50 Error: No device connected. Initial SPI tests failed. |
ERROR_ARGUS_INVALID_CFG | -102: AFBR-S50 Error: Inconsistent configuration parameters. |
ERROR_ARGUS_BUFFER_EMPTY | -103: AFBR-S50 Error: The evaluation function has been called but no raw data is available yet. See also Argus_EvaluateData for more information. |
ERROR_ARGUS_INVALID_SLAVE | -104: AFBR-S50 Error: Invalid slave identifier is passed to the module. |
ERROR_ARGUS_INVALID_MODE | -105: AFBR-S50 Error: Invalid measurement mode configuration parameter. |
ERROR_ARGUS_BIAS_VOLTAGE_REINIT | -107: AFBR-S50 Error: The APD bias voltage is re-initializing due to a dropout. This is usually a temporary state and due to harsh ambient light conditions. The devices tries to continuously recover form that state and resumes with measurements once the ambient light is gone. The current measurement data set is invalid! |
ERROR_ARGUS_LASER_MONITOR_INACTIVE | -108: AFBR-S50 Error: The laser safety monitoring is currently not active due to a APD bias voltage dropout. This is an escalation of ERROR_ARGUS_BIAS_VOLTAGE_REINIT that happens when in addition to the bias dropout conditions for a laser failure are met. Note that this is usually a temporary state and due to harsh ambient light conditions and not an actual laser error. The laser is disabled, but the device tries to continuously recover from the bias voltage dropout.
ERROR_ARGUS_EEPROM_FAILURE | -109: AFBR-S50 Error: The EEPROM readout has failed. The failure is detected by three distinct read attempts, each resulting in invalid data. Note: this state differs from that STATUS_ARGUS_EEPROM_BIT_ERROR such that it is usually temporarily and due to harsh ambient conditions. |
ERROR_ARGUS_STALLED | -110: AFBR-S50 Error: The measurement signals of all active pixels are invalid and thus the 1D range is also invalid and stalled. This means the range value is not updated and kept at the previous valid value. |
ERROR_ARGUS_BGL_EXCEEDANCE | -111: AFBR-S50 Error: The background light is too bright. |
ERROR_ARGUS_XTALK_AMPLITUDE_EXCEEDANCE | -112: AFBR-S50 Error: The crosstalk vector amplitude is too high. |
ERROR_ARGUS_LASER_FAILURE | -113: AFBR-S50 Error: Laser malfunction! Laser Safety may not be given! The laser is disabled and the device tries to recover by heeding the worst case laser output possible. This leads to a longer delay (several seconds) between the recovery attemps in order to not exceed the laser safety limits. |
ERROR_ARGUS_DATA_INTEGRITY_LOST | -114: AFBR-S50 Error: Register data integrity is lost (e.g. due to unexpected power-on-reset cycle or invalid write cycle of SPI. System tries to reset the values.
ERROR_ARGUS_RANGE_OFFSET_CALIBRATION_FAILED | -115: AFBR-S50 Error: The range offsets calibration failed! |
ERROR_ARGUS_VSUB_CALIBRATION_FAILED | -116: AFBR-S50 Error: The VSUB calibration failed! |
ERROR_ARGUS_BUSY | -191: AFBR-S50 Error: The device is currently busy and cannot execute the requested command. |
ERROR_ARGUS_UNKNOWN_MODULE | -199: AFBR-S50 Error: Unknown module number. |
ERROR_ARGUS_UNKNOWN_CHIP | -198: AFBR-S50 Error: Unknown chip version number. |
ERROR_ARGUS_UNKNOWN_LASER | -197: AFBR-S50 Error: Unknown laser type number. |
STATUS_ARGUS_BUSY_TEST | 191: AFBR-S50 Status (internal): The device is currently busy with testing the SPI connection to the device. |
STATUS_ARGUS_BUSY_UPDATE | 192: AFBR-S50 Status (internal): The device is currently busy with updating the settings parameter (i.e. with writing register values). |
STATUS_ARGUS_BUSY_CAL_SEQ | 195: AFBR-S50 Status (internal): The device is currently executing a calibration sequence. |
STATUS_ARGUS_BUSY_MEAS | 196: AFBR-S50 Status (internal): The device is currently executing a measurement cycle. |
STATUS_ARGUS_STARTING | 100: AFBR-S50 Status (internal): The ASIC is initializing a new measurement, i.e. a register value is written that starts an integration cycle on the ASIC. |
STATUS_ARGUS_ACTIVE | 103: AFBR-S50 Status (internal): The ASIC is performing an integration cycle. |