AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
argus_cfg_dca_t Struct Reference

Dynamic Configuration Adaption (DCA) Parameters. More...

#include <argus_dca.h>

Data Fields

argus_dca_enable_t Enabled
uint8_t SatPxThLin
uint8_t SatPxThExp
uint8_t SatPxThRst
uq12_4_t Atarget
uq12_4_t AthLow
uq12_4_t AthHigh
argus_dca_amplitude_mode_t AmplitudeMode
argus_dca_power_t Power
uq10_6_t DepthNom
uq10_6_t DepthMin_LowPower
uq10_6_t DepthMin_HighPower
uq10_6_t DepthMax
argus_dca_gain_t GainNom
argus_dca_gain_t GainMin
argus_dca_gain_t GainMax
uq0_8_t PowerSavingRatio
uint8_t DisablePowerSaveInLowPowerStage

Detailed Description

Dynamic Configuration Adaption (DCA) Parameters.

DCA contains:

  • Static or dynamic mode. The first is utilizing the nominal values while the latter is dynamically adopting between min. and max. value and starting form the nominal values.
  • Analog Integration Depth Adaption down to single pulses.
  • Optical Output Power Adaption
  • Pixel Input Gain Adaption
  • Digital Integration Depth Adaption
  • Dynamic Global Phase Shift Injection.
  • All that features are heeding the Laser Safety limits.

Field Documentation

◆ AmplitudeMode

argus_dca_amplitude_mode_t argus_cfg_dca_t::AmplitudeMode

The DCA amplitude calculation algorithm. Either maximum (DCA_AMPLITUDE_MAX) or average (DCA_AMPLITUDE_AVG) amplitude can be selected.

◆ Atarget

uq12_4_t argus_cfg_dca_t::Atarget

The DCA amplitude to be targeted from the lower regime. If the DCA amplitude lower than the target value, a linear increase of integration energy will happen in order to optimize for best performance.

Valid values: ARGUS_CFG_DCA_ATH_MIN, ... ARGUS_CFG_DCA_ATH_MAX Note further that the following condition must hold: 'MIN' <= AthLow <= Atarget <= AthHigh <= 'MAX'

◆ AthHigh

uq12_4_t argus_cfg_dca_t::AthHigh

The high threshold value for the DCA amplitude. If the DCA amplitude exceeds this value, the integration depth will be decreases. Note that also saturated pixels will cause a decrease of the integration depth.

Valid values: ARGUS_CFG_DCA_ATH_MIN, ... ARGUS_CFG_DCA_ATH_MAX Note further that the following condition must hold: 'MIN' <= AthLow <= Atarget <= AthHigh <= 'MAX'

◆ AthLow

uq12_4_t argus_cfg_dca_t::AthLow

The low threshold value for the DCA amplitude. If the DCA amplitude falls below this value, the integration depth will be increases.

Valid values: ARGUS_CFG_DCA_ATH_MIN, ... ARGUS_CFG_DCA_ATH_MAX Note further that the following condition must hold: 'MIN' <= AthLow <= Atarget <= AthHigh <= 'MAX'

◆ DepthMax

uq10_6_t argus_cfg_dca_t::DepthMax

The maximum analog integration depth in UQ10.6 format, i.e. the maximum pattern count per sample.

Valid values: ARGUS_CFG_DCA_DEPTH_MIN, ... ARGUS_CFG_DCA_DEPTH_MAX Note further that the following condition must hold: 'MIN' <= DepthMin <= DepthNom <= DepthMax <= 'MAX'

◆ DepthMin_HighPower

uq10_6_t argus_cfg_dca_t::DepthMin_HighPower

The minimum analog integration depth in UQ10.6 format, i.e. the minimum pattern count per sample.

This values is applied in high laser power stage.

Valid values: ARGUS_CFG_DCA_DEPTH_MIN, ... ARGUS_CFG_DCA_DEPTH_MAX Note further that the following condition must hold: 'MIN' <= DepthLow <= DepthNom <= DepthHigh <= 'MAX'

◆ DepthMin_LowPower

uq10_6_t argus_cfg_dca_t::DepthMin_LowPower

The minimum analog integration depth in UQ10.6 format, i.e. the minimum pattern count per sample.

This values is applied in low laser power stage.

Valid values: ARGUS_CFG_DCA_DEPTH_MIN, ... ARGUS_CFG_DCA_DEPTH_MAX Note further that the following condition must hold: 'MIN' <= DepthLow <= DepthNom <= DepthHigh <= 'MAX'

◆ DepthNom

uq10_6_t argus_cfg_dca_t::DepthNom

The nominal analog integration depth in UQ10.6 format, i.e. the nominal pattern count per sample.

Valid values: ARGUS_CFG_DCA_DEPTH_MIN, ... ARGUS_CFG_DCA_DEPTH_MAX Note further that the following condition must hold: 'MIN' <= DepthLow <= DepthNom <= DepthHigh <= 'MAX'

◆ DisablePowerSaveInLowPowerStage

uint8_t argus_cfg_dca_t::DisablePowerSaveInLowPowerStage

Disables the laser power save in low power stage. I.e. it keeps the laser bias on during integration pauses.

◆ Enabled

argus_dca_enable_t argus_cfg_dca_t::Enabled

Enables the automatic configuration adaption features. Enables the dynamic part if DCA_ENABLE_DYNAMIC and the static only if DCA_ENABLE_STATIC.

◆ GainMax

argus_dca_gain_t argus_cfg_dca_t::GainMax

The maximum pixel gain setting, i.e. the setting for maximum gain stage.

Valid values: 0,..,3: DCA_GAIN_LOW, ... DCA_GAIN_HIGH Note further that the following condition must hold: 'MIN' <= GainMin <= GainNom <= GainMax <= 'MAX'

◆ GainMin

argus_dca_gain_t argus_cfg_dca_t::GainMin

The minimal pixel gain setting, i.e. the setting for minimum gain stage.

Valid values: 0,..,3: DCA_GAIN_LOW, ... DCA_GAIN_HIGH Note further that the following condition must hold: 'MIN' <= GainMin <= GainNom <= GainMax <= 'MAX'

◆ GainNom

argus_dca_gain_t argus_cfg_dca_t::GainNom

The nominal pixel gain setting, i.e. the setting for nominal/default gain stage.

Valid values: 0,..,3: DCA_GAIN_LOW, ... DCA_GAIN_HIGH Note further that the following condition must hold: 'MIN' <= GainMin <= GainNom <= GainMax <= 'MAX'

◆ Power

argus_dca_power_t argus_cfg_dca_t::Power

The power stage selector. Selects the used power stages, i.e. LOW, HIGH or AUTO (LOW+HIGH).

◆ PowerSavingRatio

uq0_8_t argus_cfg_dca_t::PowerSavingRatio

Power Saving Ratio value.

Determines the percentage of the full available frame time that is not exploited for digital integration. Thus the device is idle within the specified portion of the frame time and does consume less energy.

Note that the laser safety might already limit the maximum integration depth and the power saving ratio might not take effect for all ambient situations. Thus the Power Saving Ratio is to be understood as a minimum percentage where the device is idle per frame.

The value is a UQ0.8 format that ranges from 0.0 (=0x00) to 0.996 (=0xFF), where 0 means no power saving (i.e. feature disabled) and 0xFF determines maximum power saving, i.e. the digital integration depth is limited to a single sample.

Range: 0x00, .., 0xFF; set 0 to disable.

◆ SatPxThExp

uint8_t argus_cfg_dca_t::SatPxThExp

The threshold number of saturated pixels that causes a exponential reduction of the integration energy, i.e. if the number of saturated pixels is larger or equal to this value, the integration energy will be halved.

Valid values: 1, ..., 33; (use 33 to disable the exponential decrease) Note that the exponential value must be between the linear and reset values. To sum up, it must hold: 1 <= SatPxThLin <= SatPxThExp <= SatPxThRst <= 33

◆ SatPxThLin

uint8_t argus_cfg_dca_t::SatPxThLin

The threshold value of saturated pixels that causes a linear reduction of the integration energy, i.e. if the number of saturated pixels are larger or equal to this value, the integration energy will be reduced by a single step (one pattern if the current integration depth is > 1, one pulse if the current integration depth is <= 1 or one power LSB for the optical power range).

Valid values: 1, ..., 33; (use 33 to disable the linear decrease) Note that the linear value must be smaller or equal to the exponential value. To sum up, it must hold: 1 <= SatPxThLin <= SatPxThExp <= SatPxThRst <= 33

◆ SatPxThRst

uint8_t argus_cfg_dca_t::SatPxThRst

The threshold number of saturated pixels that causes a sudden reset of the integration energy to the minimal value, i.e. if the number of saturated pixels are larger or equal to this value, the integration energy will suddenly be reset to the minimum values. The gain setting will stay at the mid value and a decrease happens after the next step if still required.

Valid values: 1, ..., 33; (use 33 to disable the sudden reset) Note that the reset value must be larger or equal to the exponential value. To sum up, it must hold: 1 <= SatPxThLin <= SatPxThExp <= SatPxThRst <= 33

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