AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
argus_cfg_pba_t Struct Reference

The pixel binning algorithm settings data structure. More...

#include <argus_pba.h>

Data Fields

argus_pba_flags_t Enabled
argus_pba_averaging_mode_t AveragingMode
uq0_8_t RelativeAmplitudeInclusion
uq0_8_t RelativeAmplitudeExclusion
uq12_4_t AbsoluteAmplitudeInclusion
uq12_4_t AbsoluteAmplitudeExclusion
uq12_4_t GoldenPixelPriorityAmplitudeInclusion
uq12_4_t GoldenPixelPriorityAmplitudeExclusion
uq0_8_t RelativeDistanceScopeInclusion
uq0_8_t RelativeDistanceScopeExclusion
uq1_15_t AbsoluteDistanceScopeInclusion
uq1_15_t AbsoluteDistanceScopeExclusion
uint8_t GoldenPixelSaturationFilterPixelThreshold
uint8_t GoldenPixelOutOfSyncAgeThreshold
q9_22_t AbsoluteMinimumDistanceThreshold
uint32_t PrefilterMask

Detailed Description

The pixel binning algorithm settings data structure.

Describes the pixel binning algorithm settings.

Field Documentation

◆ AbsoluteAmplitudeExclusion

uq12_4_t argus_cfg_pba_t::AbsoluteAmplitudeExclusion

The absolute amplitude exclusion threshold in LSB.

Pixels, whose amplitudes fall below this exclusion threshold, are removed from the pixel binning. The amplitude must raise above the inclusion (RelativeAmplitudeInclusion) threshold to be added back to be pixel binning again.

The absolute amplitude hysteresis is only valid if the Golden Pixel mode is enabled. Otherwise, the thresholds are set to 0 LSB internally which disables the absolute criteria.

All available values from the 16-bit representation are valid. The actual LSB value is determined by x/16.

Note: in addition to the absolute criteria, there is also the relative criteria (RelativeAmplitudeInclusion, RelativeAmplitudeExclusion). The pixels are added to the pixel binning if their respective amplitude is larger than the absolute AND relative inclusion values. On the other hand, they are removed if their amplitude falls below the absolute OR relative exclusion threshold.

Must be less than or equal to AbsoluteAmplitudeInclusion.

Use AbsoluteAmplitudeExclusion == AbsoluteAmplitudeInclusion to disable the hysteresis behavior and use it as a threshold only.

Use 0 (for both, AbsoluteAmplitudeExclusion and AbsoluteAmplitudeInclusion) to disable the absolute amplitude hysteresis.

◆ AbsoluteAmplitudeInclusion

uq12_4_t argus_cfg_pba_t::AbsoluteAmplitudeInclusion

The absolute amplitude inclusion threshold in LSB.

Pixels, whose amplitudes raise above this inclusion threshold, are added to the pixel binning. The amplitude must fall below the exclusion (RelativeAmplitudeExclusion) threshold to be removed from the pixel binning again.

The absolute amplitude hysteresis is only valid if the Golden Pixel mode is enabled. Otherwise, the thresholds are set to 0 LSB internally which disables the absolute criteria.

All available values from the 16-bit representation are valid. The actual LSB value is determined by x/16.

Note: in addition to the absolute criteria, there is also the relative criteria (RelativeAmplitudeInclusion, RelativeAmplitudeExclusion). The pixels are added to the pixel binning if their respective amplitude is larger than the absolute AND relative inclusion values. On the other hand, they are removed if their amplitude falls below the absolute OR relative exclusion threshold.

Must be greater than or equal to AbsoluteAmplitudeExclusion.

Use AbsoluteAmplitudeExclusion == AbsoluteAmplitudeInclusion to disable the hysteresis behavior and use it as a threshold only.

Use 0 (for both, AbsoluteAmplitudeExclusion and AbsoluteAmplitudeInclusion) to disable the absolute amplitude hysteresis.

◆ AbsoluteDistanceScopeExclusion

uq1_15_t argus_cfg_pba_t::AbsoluteDistanceScopeExclusion

The absolute minimum distance scope exclusion threshold (in m).

Pixels, whose range is larger than the minimum distance exclusion threshold (x_min + dx_excl) are removed from the pixel binning. The range must fall below the inclusion (AbsoluteDistanceScopeInclusion) threshold to be added to the pixel binning again.

The distance scope determines an interval within that pixels are considered valid, originating at the minimum distance (x_min). The width of the interval is specified by the relative and absolute minimum distance scope thresholds. The actual values it the maximum of both, the relative and absolute exclusion values (RelativeDistanceScopeExclusion).

All available values from the 16-bit representation are valid. The actual LSB value is determined by x/2^15.

Must be larger than or equal to the AbsoluteDistanceScopeInclusion.

Use AbsoluteDistanceScopeExclusion == AbsoluteDistanceScopeInclusion to disable the hysteresis behavior and use it as a threshold only.

◆ AbsoluteDistanceScopeInclusion

uq1_15_t argus_cfg_pba_t::AbsoluteDistanceScopeInclusion

The absolute minimum distance scope inclusion threshold (in m).

Pixels, whose range is smaller than the minimum distance inclusion threshold (x_min + dx_incl) are added to the pixel binning. The range must raise above the exclusion (AbsoluteDistanceScopeExclusion) threshold to be added to the pixel binning again.

The distance scope determines an interval within that pixels are considered valid, originating at the minimum distance (x_min). The width of the interval is specified by the relative and absolute minimum distance scope thresholds. The actual values it the maximum of both, the relative and absolute exclusion values (RelativeDistanceScopeInclusion).

All available values from the 16-bit representation are valid. The actual LSB value is determined by x/2^15.

Must be smaller than or equal to the AbsoluteDistanceScopeExclusion.

Use AbsoluteDistanceScopeExclusion == AbsoluteDistanceScopeInclusion to disable the hysteresis behavior and use it as a threshold only.

◆ AbsoluteMinimumDistanceThreshold

q9_22_t argus_cfg_pba_t::AbsoluteMinimumDistanceThreshold

The absolute minimum distance threshold value in m.

Pixels with distance below this threshold value are dismissed.

◆ AveragingMode

argus_pba_averaging_mode_t argus_cfg_pba_t::AveragingMode

Determines the PBA averaging mode which is used to obtain the final range value from the algorithm, for example, the average of all pixels. See argus_pba_averaging_mode_t for more details about the individual evaluation modes.

◆ Enabled

argus_pba_flags_t argus_cfg_pba_t::Enabled

Enables the Pixel Binning Algorithm.

Each bit may enable a different feature. See argus_pba_flags_t for details about the enabled flags.

◆ GoldenPixelOutOfSyncAgeThreshold

uint8_t argus_cfg_pba_t::GoldenPixelOutOfSyncAgeThreshold

The Golden Pixel out-of-sync age limit for the GPPM.

The Golden Pixel out-of-sync age is the number of consecutive frames where the Golden Pixel is out-of-sync. This parameters is the threshold to distinguish between temporary and permanent out-of-sync states.

Temporary out-of-sync states happen when the target rapidly changes. In this case, the Golden Pixel Priority Mode (GPPM) is not exited. Only if the out-of-sync age exceeds the specified threshold, the Golden Pixel is considered erroneous and the GPPM is exited.

Use 0 to disable the Golden Pixel out-of-sync aging (= infinity).

◆ GoldenPixelPriorityAmplitudeExclusion

uq12_4_t argus_cfg_pba_t::GoldenPixelPriorityAmplitudeExclusion

The Golden Pixel Priority Mode exclusion threshold in LSB.

The Golden Pixel Priority Mode prioritizes a valid signal on the Golden Pixel over other pixel to avoid unwanted effects from "out-of-focus" pixels in application that require a smaller focus.

If the Golden Pixel priority mode is enabled (see PBA_ENABLE_GOLDPX_PRIORITY_MODE) and the Golden Pixel has a valid signal with amplitude higher than the exclusion threshold (GoldenPixelPriorityAmplitudeInclusion), its priority state is enabled and the binning exits early by dismissing all other pixels regardless of their respective amplitude or state. The Golden Pixel priority state is disabled if the Golden Pixel amplitude falls below this exclusion threshold or its state becomes invalid (e.g. PIXEL_SAT).

All available values from the 16-bit representation are valid. The actual LSB value is determined by x/16.

Use 0 to disable the Golden Pixel priority mode hysteresis.

◆ GoldenPixelPriorityAmplitudeInclusion

uq12_4_t argus_cfg_pba_t::GoldenPixelPriorityAmplitudeInclusion

The Golden Pixel Priority Mode inclusion threshold in LSB.

The Golden Pixel Priority Mode prioritizes a valid signal on the Golden Pixel over other pixel to avoid unwanted effects from "out-of-focus" pixels in application that require a smaller focus.

If the Golden Pixel priority mode is enabled (see PBA_ENABLE_GOLDPX_PRIORITY_MODE) and the Golden Pixel has a valid signal with amplitude higher than this inclusion threshold, its priority state is enabled and the binning exits early by dismissing all other pixels regardless of their respective amplitude or state. The Golden Pixel priority state is disabled if the Golden Pixel amplitude falls below the exclusion threshold (GoldenPixelPriorityAmplitudeExclusion) or its state becomes invalid (e.g. PIXEL_SAT).

All available values from the 16-bit representation are valid. The actual LSB value is determined by x/16.

Use 0 to disable the Golden Pixel priority mode hysteresis.

◆ GoldenPixelSaturationFilterPixelThreshold

uint8_t argus_cfg_pba_t::GoldenPixelSaturationFilterPixelThreshold

The Golden Pixel Saturation Filter Pixel Threshold.

The Golden Pixel Saturation Filter will evaluate the status of the Golden Pixel to PIXEL_INVALID if a certain number of active pixels, i.e. pixels that are not removed by the static pre-filter mask (PrefilterMask), are saturated (PIXEL_SAT).

The purpose of this filter is to avoid erroneous situations with highly reflective targets (e.g. retro-reflectors) that can invalidate the Golden Pixel such that it would not show the correct saturation state. In order to avoid using the Golden Pixel in that scenario, this filter mechanism can be used to remove the Golden Pixel if a specified number of other pixels show saturation state.

Use 0 to disable the Golden Pixel Saturation Filter.

◆ PrefilterMask

uint32_t argus_cfg_pba_t::PrefilterMask

The pre-filter pixel mask determines the pixel channels that are statically excluded from the pixel binning (i.e. 1D distance) result.

The pixel enabled mask is an 32-bit mask that determines the device internal channel number. It is recommended to use the

macros to work with the pixel enable masks.

◆ RelativeAmplitudeExclusion

uq0_8_t argus_cfg_pba_t::RelativeAmplitudeExclusion

The relative amplitude exclusion threshold (in %) of the max. amplitude.

Pixels, whose amplitudes fall below this exclusion threshold, are removed from the pixel binning. The amplitude must raise above the inclusion (RelativeAmplitudeInclusion) threshold to be added back to be pixel binning again.

All available values from the 8-bit representation are valid. The actual percentage value is determined by 100%/256*x.

Note: in addition to the relative criteria, there is also the absolute criteria (AbsoluteAmplitudeInclusion, AbsoluteAmplitudeExclusion). The pixels are added to the pixel binning if their respective amplitude is larger than the absolute AND relative inclusion values. On the other hand, they are removed if their amplitude falls below the absolute OR relative exclusion threshold.

Must be less than or equal to RelativeAmplitudeInclusion.

Use RelativeAmplitudeExclusion == RelativeAmplitudeInclusion to disable the hysteresis behavior and use it as a threshold only.

Use 0 (for both, RelativeAmplitudeExclusion and RelativeAmplitudeInclusion) to disable the relative amplitude hysteresis.

◆ RelativeAmplitudeInclusion

uq0_8_t argus_cfg_pba_t::RelativeAmplitudeInclusion

The relative amplitude inclusion threshold (in %) of the max. amplitude.

Pixels, whose amplitudes raise above this inclusion threshold, are added to the pixel binning. The amplitude must fall below the exclusion (RelativeAmplitudeExclusion) threshold to be removed from the pixel binning again.

All available values from the 8-bit representation are valid. The actual percentage value is determined by 100%/256*x.

Note: in addition to the relative criteria, there is also the absolute criteria (AbsoluteAmplitudeInclusion, AbsoluteAmplitudeExclusion). The pixels are added to the pixel binning if their respective amplitude is larger than the absolute AND relative inclusion values. On the other hand, they are removed if their amplitude falls below the absolute OR relative exclusion threshold.

Must be greater than or equal to the RelativeAmplitudeExclusion.

Use RelativeAmplitudeExclusion == RelativeAmplitudeInclusion to disable the hysteresis behavior and use it as a threshold only.

Use 0 (for both, RelativeAmplitudeExclusion and RelativeAmplitudeInclusion) to disable the relative amplitude hysteresis.

◆ RelativeDistanceScopeExclusion

uq0_8_t argus_cfg_pba_t::RelativeDistanceScopeExclusion

The relative distance scope exclusion threshold (in %).

Pixels, whose range is larger than the minimum distance exclusion threshold (x_min + dx_excl) are removed from the pixel binning. The range must fall below the inclusion (RelativeDistanceScopeInclusion) threshold to be added to the pixel binning again. The relative value is determined by multiplying the percentage with the minimum distance.

The distance scope determines an interval within that pixels are considered valid, originating at the minimum distance (x_min). The width of the interval is specified by the relative and absolute minimum distance scope thresholds. The actual values it the maximum of both, the relative and absolute exclusion values (AbsoluteDistanceScopeExclusion).

All available values from the 8-bit representation are valid. The actual percentage value is determined by 100%/256*x.

Must be larger than or equal to the RelativeDistanceScopeInclusion.

Use RelativeDistanceScopeExclusion == RelativeDistanceScopeInclusion to disable the hysteresis behavior and use it as a threshold only.

◆ RelativeDistanceScopeInclusion

uq0_8_t argus_cfg_pba_t::RelativeDistanceScopeInclusion

The relative minimum distance scope inclusion threshold (in %).

Pixels, whose range is smaller than the minimum distance inclusion threshold (x_min + dx_incl) are added to the pixel binning. The range must raise above the exclusion (RelativeDistanceScopeExclusion) threshold to be removed from the pixel binning again. The relative value is determined by multiplying the percentage with the minimum distance.

The distance scope determines an interval within that pixels are considered valid, originating at the minimum distance (x_min). The width of the interval is specified by the relative and absolute minimum distance scope thresholds. The actual values it the maximum of both, the relative and absolute inclusion values (AbsoluteDistanceScopeInclusion).

All available values from the 8-bit representation are valid. The actual percentage value is determined by 100%/256*x.

Must be smaller than or equal to the RelativeDistanceScopeExclusion.

Use RelativeDistanceScopeExclusion == RelativeDistanceScopeInclusion to disable the hysteresis behavior and use it as a threshold only.

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