AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
argus_results_aux_t Struct Reference

The auxiliary measurement results data structure. More...

#include <argus_res.h>

Data Fields

uq12_4_t VDD
q11_4_t TEMP
uq12_4_t VSUB
uq12_4_t VDDL
uq12_4_t IAPD
uq12_4_t BGL
uq12_4_t SNA

Detailed Description

The auxiliary measurement results data structure.

The auxiliary measurement results obtained by the auxiliary task.
Special values, i.e. 0xFFFFU, indicate no readout value available.

Field Documentation


uq12_4_t argus_results_aux_t::BGL

Background Light Value in arbitrary. units, estimated by the substrate voltage control task.
Special Value if no value is available:
Invalid/NotAvailable = 0xFFFFU (UQ12_4_MAX)


uq12_4_t argus_results_aux_t::IAPD

APD current ADC Channel readout value.
Special Value if no value has been measured:
Invalid/NotAvailable = 0xFFFFU (UQ12_4_MAX)


uq12_4_t argus_results_aux_t::SNA

Shot Noise Amplitude in LSB units, estimated by the shot noise monitor task from the average amplitude of the passive pixels.
Special Value if no value is available:
Invalid/NotAvailable = 0xFFFFU (UQ12_4_MAX)


q11_4_t argus_results_aux_t::TEMP

Temperature sensor ADC channel readout value.
Special Value if no value has been measured:
Invalid/NotAvailable = 0x7FFFU (Q11_4_MAX)


uq12_4_t argus_results_aux_t::VDD

VDD ADC channel readout value.
Special Value if no value has been measured:
Invalid/NotAvailable = 0xFFFFU (UQ12_4_MAX)


uq12_4_t argus_results_aux_t::VDDL

VDD VCSEL ADC channel readout value.
Special Value if no value has been measured:
Invalid/NotAvailable = 0xFFFFU (UQ12_4_MAX)


uq12_4_t argus_results_aux_t::VSUB

Substrate Voltage ADC Channel readout value.
Special Value if no value has been measured:
Invalid/NotAvailable = 0xFFFFU (UQ12_4_MAX)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: