AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
argus_results_bin_t Struct Reference

The 1d measurement results data structure. More...

#include <argus_res.h>

Data Fields

q9_22_t Range
uq12_4_t Amplitude
uint8_t SignalQuality

Detailed Description

The 1d measurement results data structure.

The 1d measurement results obtained by the Pixel Binning Algorithm.

Field Documentation

◆ Amplitude

uq12_4_t argus_results_bin_t::Amplitude

The 1D amplitude in LSB (Q12.4 format). The (maximum) amplitude obtained by the Pixel Binning Algorithm from the current measurement frame.

Special value: 0 == No/Invalid Result.

01_simple_example.c, 01_simple_example_with_hal_self_test.c, 02_advanced_example.c, 02_advanced_example_with_hal_self_test.c, 04_multi_device_example.c, and 06_low_power_example.c.

◆ Range

q9_22_t argus_results_bin_t::Range

Raw 1D range value in meter (Q9.22 format). The distance obtained by the Pixel Binning Algorithm from the current measurement frame.

01_simple_example.c, 01_simple_example_with_hal_self_test.c, 02_advanced_example.c, 02_advanced_example_with_hal_self_test.c, 03_high_speed_example.c, 04_multi_device_example.c, and 06_low_power_example.c.

◆ SignalQuality

uint8_t argus_results_bin_t::SignalQuality

The current signal quality metric of the 1D range value in percentage:

  • 0: n/a,
  • 1: bad signal,
  • 100: good signal.
01_simple_example.c, 01_simple_example_with_hal_self_test.c, 02_advanced_example.c, 02_advanced_example_with_hal_self_test.c, and 04_multi_device_example.c.

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