AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
The measurement modes.
Definition: argus_def.h:275
status_t ExplorerApp_DeviceReinit(explorer_t *explorer, argus_mode_t mode)
Reinitializes the device w/ default settings w/o MCU reset.
Definition: core_device.c:246
uint8_t sci_device_t
Definition: sci.h:99
explorer_t * ExplorerApp_GetExplorerPtrFromArgus(argus_hnd_t *argus)
Gets the Explorer instance handle pointer given an Argus handle pointer.
Definition: core_device.c:135
argus_hnd_t * ExplorerApp_GetArgusPtr(sci_device_t deviceID)
Gets the Argus device instance handle pointer.
Definition: core_device.c:121
Definition: explorer_types.h:282
status_t ExplorerApp_InitExplorer(sci_device_t deviceID)
Initializes the selected Explorer instance handle pointer with the selected device ID.
Definition: core_device.c:257
uint8_t ExplorerApp_GetInitializedExplorerCount()
Gets the number of initialized Argus sensor devices.
Definition: core_device.c:149
status_t ExplorerApp_InitDevice(explorer_t *explorer, argus_mode_t mode, bool reinit)
Initializes the associated Argus device handle belonging to an Explorer instance handle pointer.
Definition: core_device.c:174
This file is part of the AFBR-S50 Explorer Demo Application.
struct argus_hnd_t argus_hnd_t
Definition: argus_def.h:320
sci_device_t ExplorerApp_GetDeviceID(explorer_t *explorer)
Gets the device ID of the specified Explorer instance pointer.
Definition: core_device.c:168
explorer_t * ExplorerApp_GetInitializedExplorer(uint8_t index)
Gets the initialized Explorer instance handle pointer given its index in the list....
Definition: core_device.c:160
explorer_t * ExplorerApp_GetExplorerPtr(sci_device_t deviceID)
Gets the Explorer instance handle pointer.
Definition: core_device.c:129
int32_t status_t
Type used for all status and error return values.
Definition: argus_status.h:70