AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
SCI: Systems Communication Interface

Systems Communication Interface. More...

Collaboration diagram for SCI: Systems Communication Interface:


 SCI: Byte Stuffing
 SCI byte stuffing definitions.
 SCI: Generic Command Definitions
 Generic Command Definitions.
 SCI CRC8 (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
 SCI: Data Frames
 SCI Data Frames.
 SCI: Handshaking
 SCI Handshaking Module.

Data Structures

struct  sci_frame_t
 Data buffer for outgoing frames. More...
struct  sci_frame_queue_t


#define SCI_FRAME_SIZE   64
#define SCI_FRAME_BUF_RX_CT   32
#define SCI_FRAME_BUF_TX_CT   32
#define SCI_TX_TIMEOUT_MSEC   1000


typedef uint8_t sci_cmd_t
typedef uint32_t sci_param_t
typedef const void * sci_data_t
typedef uint8_t sci_device_t
typedef status_t(* sci_rx_cmd_fct_t) (sci_device_t deviceID, sci_frame_t *frame)
 Received command invocation function definition. More...
typedef status_t(* sci_tx_cmd_fct_t) (sci_device_t deviceID, sci_frame_t *frame, sci_param_t param, sci_data_t data)
 Transmitting command function definition. More...
typedef status_t(* sci_rx_cmd_cb_t) (sci_frame_t *frame)
 Callback function type for received SCI data frames. More...
typedef void(* sci_error_cb_t) (status_t status)
 Callback function type for SCI error. More...


 The Explorer application specific status and error return codes. More...
enum  StatusSCI {
 The SCI module specific status and error return codes. More...


status_t SCI_Init (void)
 Initialize the SCI module. More...
void SCI_SetRxCommandCallback (sci_rx_cmd_cb_t cb)
 Installs a callback routine for command received event. More...
void SCI_RemoveRxCommandCallback (void)
 Removes the previously installed callback function. More...
void SCI_SetErrorCallback (sci_error_cb_t cb)
 Installs a callback routine for the error event. More...
void SCI_RemoveErrorCallback (void)
 Removes the previously installed callback function. More...
status_t SCI_SendCommand (sci_device_t deviceID, sci_cmd_t cmd, sci_param_t param, sci_data_t data)
 Sends a command via the SCI module. More...
status_t SCI_SetRxCommand (sci_cmd_t cmd, sci_rx_cmd_fct_t fct)
 Sets a Rx command function in the list of available commands. More...
status_t SCI_SetPostRxCommand (sci_cmd_t cmd, sci_rx_cmd_fct_t rxfct, sci_rx_cmd_fct_t pfct)
 Sets Rx and post Rx command functions in the list of available commands. More...
status_t SCI_SetTxCommand (sci_cmd_t cmd, sci_tx_cmd_fct_t txfct)
 Sets a Tx command function in the list of available commands. More...
status_t SCI_SetRxTxCommand (sci_cmd_t cmd, sci_rx_cmd_fct_t rxfct, sci_tx_cmd_fct_t txfct)
 Sets the Rx and Tx command functions in the list of available commands. More...
status_t SCI_SetCommand (sci_cmd_t cmd, sci_rx_cmd_fct_t rxfct, sci_tx_cmd_fct_t txfct, sci_rx_cmd_fct_t pfct)
 Sets the Rx and Tx command functions in the list of available commands. More...
status_t SCI_UnsetCommand (sci_cmd_t cmd)
 Unsets a command from the list of available commands. More...
status_t SCI_InvokeRxCommand (sci_frame_t *frame)
 Invokes the previously received user command. More...

Detailed Description

Systems Communication Interface.

The systems communication interface module provides a high level protocol for information exchange between several systems. Basically it is a two point interface containing a single master and a single slave device.

The protocol is a frame based hardware interface. Each data frame consists of a dedicate start and stop byte that determines the bounds of the frame. After the start byte, the first byte is considered to be the command identifier that specifies the following data. After that, an arbitrary number of data bytes can follow. In order to provide the full range per byte, the start and stop bytes are escaped and inverted by escape bytes. Thus the data bytes can have any value. Finally, the frame is finished with an 8-bit CRC value before the stop byte is send.

Apart from the CRC value, that assures the correct data integrity, there are acknowledge messages sent from the device in order to verify the correct receiving and execution of the commands within the slave system. I.e. every received command will cause either an acknowledge or an not-acknowledge with a corresponding status byte that informs the master about the error cause. On the other hand, the transmitted messages do not have to be acknowledged by the master.

Macro Definition Documentation



The Device ID of the default device (usually the first device).



The specific Device ID of the default device (the first device).



The total number of SCI data frames.


#define SCI_FRAME_BUF_RX_CT   32

The number of SCI data frames for RX.


#define SCI_FRAME_BUF_TX_CT   32

The number of SCI data frames for TX.


#define SCI_FRAME_SIZE   64

Max. byte size of transmitting/receiving SCI data frames.


#define SCI_TX_TIMEOUT_MSEC   1000

The timeout for a TX frame request in milliseconds.

Typedef Documentation

◆ sci_cmd_t

typedef uint8_t sci_cmd_t

The SCI command type identifier byte.

◆ sci_data_t

typedef const void* sci_data_t

The SCI data pointer type. An abstract void pointer to any data object.

◆ sci_device_t

typedef uint8_t sci_device_t

The SCI device ID type. A value of SCI_DEVICE_ID_DEFAULT will target the device assigned as default by the ExplorerApp. Any other value >0 up to a maximum defined by the ExplorerApp is a valid device.

◆ sci_error_cb_t

typedef void(* sci_error_cb_t) (status_t status)

Callback function type for SCI error.

statusThe corresponding error code.

◆ sci_param_t

typedef uint32_t sci_param_t

The SCI parameter type. An abstract (integer) parameter to be used in the function.

◆ sci_rx_cmd_cb_t

typedef status_t(* sci_rx_cmd_cb_t) (sci_frame_t *frame)

Callback function type for received SCI data frames.

framePointer to the received data frame.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ sci_rx_cmd_fct_t

typedef status_t(* sci_rx_cmd_fct_t) (sci_device_t deviceID, sci_frame_t *frame)

Received command invocation function definition.

This function pointer represents a command that is invoked whenever the corresponding data frame has been received via the SCI module.

deviceIDThe ID (index) of the SPI device that should process the received frame.
framePointer to the received data frame.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ sci_tx_cmd_fct_t

typedef status_t(* sci_tx_cmd_fct_t) (sci_device_t deviceID, sci_frame_t *frame, sci_param_t param, sci_data_t data)

Transmitting command function definition.

This function pointer represents a command that is invoked whenever the corresponding data frame will be sent via the SCI module. It contains a pointer to the data that must serialized into the data frame structure.

deviceIDThe ID (index) of the SPI device that should process the received frame.
framePointer to the data frame that will be transmitted.
paramAn optional abstract parameter to be used in the command function.
dataAn optional abstract pointer to the data to be serialize. The pointer van be null.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ StatusExplorer

The Explorer application specific status and error return codes.


Invalid/not initialized device address.

◆ StatusSCI

enum StatusSCI

The SCI module specific status and error return codes.


Unknown/not initialized command.


The execution of a command returned status != STATUS_OK.


Invalid command code: e.g. is not tx/rx command.


Invalid command parameters/data/decoding failed.


CRC failed -> frame invalid.


Status for buffer full.


Received a start byte when no one has been expected.


Received a stop byte when no one has been expected.


Status for buffer full.


Received wrong escape byte.


Frame too short, i.e. too less data received for the corresponding message.


Frame too long, i.e. too much data received for the corresponding message.


The data that was requested to be sent exceeds the maximum output data buffers size.

Function Documentation

◆ SCI_Init()

status_t SCI_Init ( void  )

Initialize the SCI module.

Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

Indicator whether the last transmission was in new protocol mode. *‍/ static bool SCI_isNewProtocolMode = false;

/******************************************************************************* Code

◆ SCI_InvokeRxCommand()

status_t SCI_InvokeRxCommand ( sci_frame_t frame)

Invokes the previously received user command.

Parses and executes the previously received command. To be called after Command Received Handler has been invoked.

frameThe previously received SCI frame (parameter of "RxFrameCallback") with the command code and parameter buffer.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ SCI_RemoveErrorCallback()

void SCI_RemoveErrorCallback ( void  )

Removes the previously installed callback function.

◆ SCI_RemoveRxCommandCallback()

void SCI_RemoveRxCommandCallback ( void  )

Removes the previously installed callback function.

◆ SCI_SendCommand()

status_t SCI_SendCommand ( sci_device_t  deviceID,
sci_cmd_t  cmd,
sci_param_t  param,
sci_data_t  data 

Sends a command via the SCI module.

The corresponding command function will be called in order to serialize the data from into a data frame. The frame is sent afterwards.

deviceIDdeviceID to which this frame belongs to.
cmdThe command code / keyword.
paramAn optional abstract parameter to be used in the command function.
dataAn optional abstract pointer to the data to be serialize. The pointer can be null.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ SCI_SetCommand()

status_t SCI_SetCommand ( sci_cmd_t  cmd,
sci_rx_cmd_fct_t  rxfct,
sci_tx_cmd_fct_t  txfct,
sci_rx_cmd_fct_t  pfct 

Sets the Rx and Tx command functions in the list of available commands.

Registers the command code to the SCI module. If already set, the corresponding Tx and Rx functions are replaced by the specified ones.

An optional post RX function can be passed that will be called after the RX command has finished. This is after the ACK has been sent and the TX line has become idle. Note that this might block the MCU for some time.

cmdThe command code / keyword.
rxfctThe function to be called when a command is received.
txfctThe function to be called when a command is sent.
pfctThe function to be called when a command is received but after the ACK/NAK has been invoked.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ SCI_SetErrorCallback()

void SCI_SetErrorCallback ( sci_error_cb_t  cb)

Installs a callback routine for the error event.

Installs a callback function that will be called after an error has occurred.

The callback function is called from the interrupt service routine and should return within an appropriate time!
cbThe callback functions to be called

◆ SCI_SetPostRxCommand()

status_t SCI_SetPostRxCommand ( sci_cmd_t  cmd,
sci_rx_cmd_fct_t  rxfct,
sci_rx_cmd_fct_t  pfct 

Sets Rx and post Rx command functions in the list of available commands.

Registers the command code to the SCI module. If already set, the corresponding Rx function is replaced by the specified one. The Tx function will not be changed.

An optional post RX function can be passed that will be called after the RX command has finished. This is after the ACK has been sent and the TX line has become idle. Note that this might block the MCU for some time.

cmdThe command code / keyword.
rxfctThe function to be called when a command is received.
pfctThe function to be called when a command is received but after the ACK/NAK has been invoked.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ SCI_SetRxCommand()

status_t SCI_SetRxCommand ( sci_cmd_t  cmd,
sci_rx_cmd_fct_t  fct 

Sets a Rx command function in the list of available commands.

Registers the command code to the SCI module. If already set, the corresponding Rx function is replaced by the specified one. The Tx function will not be changed.

cmdThe command code / keyword.
fctThe function to be called when a command is received.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ SCI_SetRxCommandCallback()

void SCI_SetRxCommandCallback ( sci_rx_cmd_cb_t  cb)

Installs a callback routine for command received event.

Installs a callback function that will be called after a command has been received successfully. This call is determined to inform about an new Rx data frame has been received and the corresponding command shall be invoked. Thus, after the callback, invoke the SCI_InvokeRxCommand() function.

If no callback is set, the commands are invoked directly from the interrupt services routine. Therefore, it is highly recommended to install a callback and invoke the commands from the main thread/task.

The callback function is called from the interrupt service routine and should return within an appropriate time!
cbThe callback functions to be called

◆ SCI_SetRxTxCommand()

status_t SCI_SetRxTxCommand ( sci_cmd_t  cmd,
sci_rx_cmd_fct_t  rxfct,
sci_tx_cmd_fct_t  txfct 

Sets the Rx and Tx command functions in the list of available commands.

Registers the command code to the SCI module. If already set, the corresponding Tx and Rx functions are replaced by the specified ones.

cmdThe command code / keyword.
rxfctThe function to be called when a command is received.
txfctThe function to be called when a command is sent.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ SCI_SetTxCommand()

status_t SCI_SetTxCommand ( sci_cmd_t  cmd,
sci_tx_cmd_fct_t  txfct 

Sets a Tx command function in the list of available commands.

Registers the command code to the SCIs module. If already set, the corresponding Tx function is replaced by the specified one. The Rx function will not be changed.

cmdThe command code / keyword.
txfctThe function to be called when a command is sent.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ SCI_UnsetCommand()

status_t SCI_UnsetCommand ( sci_cmd_t  cmd)

Unsets a command from the list of available commands.

Removes the command code from the SCI module, i.e. it deletes the corresponding Tx and Rx functions. If not set, the function returns with ERROR_SCI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND.

cmdThe command code / keyword.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).