AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
AFBR-S50 Explorer - Explorer configuration functions

AFBR-S50 Explorer - Explorer configuration functions. More...

Collaboration diagram for AFBR-S50 Explorer - Explorer configuration functions:


bool ExplorerApp_GetDebugModeEnabled (explorer_t *explorer)
 Gets whether the debug mode is currently enabled. More...
status_t ExplorerApp_SetDebugMode (explorer_t *explorer, bool debugMode)
 Sets the debug mode to the device. More...
void ExplorerApp_GetDefaultConfiguration (explorer_cfg_t *cfg)
 Getter for the default software configuration. More...
void ExplorerApp_GetConfiguration (explorer_t *explorer, explorer_cfg_t *cfg)
 Getter for the software configuration. More...
status_t ExplorerApp_SetConfiguration (explorer_t *explorer, explorer_cfg_t *cfg)
 Setter for the software configuration. More...
status_t ExplorerApp_SetDeviceMeasurementMode (explorer_t *explorer, argus_mode_t mode)
 Sets the device measurement mode and load default values. More...
status_t ExplorerApp_ResetDeviceMeasurementMode (explorer_t *explorer)
 Resets the device measurement mode and load default values. More...
data_output_mode_t ExplorerApp_GetDataOutputMode (explorer_t *explorer)
 Gets the current data output mode. More...
void ExplorerApp_ResetDefaultDataStreamingMode (explorer_t *explorer)
 Reset the Argus device to the default data streaming mode. More...

Detailed Description

AFBR-S50 Explorer - Explorer configuration functions.

Util functions for handling the configuration and modes of the Explorer devices.

Function Documentation

◆ ExplorerApp_GetConfiguration()

void ExplorerApp_GetConfiguration ( explorer_t explorer,
explorer_cfg_t cfg 

Getter for the software configuration.

explorerThe AFBR-Explorer control block.
cfgA pointer to the software configuration data structure that will be filled with the current configuration data.

◆ ExplorerApp_GetDataOutputMode()

data_output_mode_t ExplorerApp_GetDataOutputMode ( explorer_t explorer)

Gets the current data output mode.

explorerThe AFBR-Explorer control block.
Returns the current data output mode.

◆ ExplorerApp_GetDebugModeEnabled()

bool ExplorerApp_GetDebugModeEnabled ( explorer_t explorer)

Gets whether the debug mode is currently enabled.

explorerThe AFBR-Explorer control block.
Returns true if the debug mode is currently enabled.

◆ ExplorerApp_GetDefaultConfiguration()

void ExplorerApp_GetDefaultConfiguration ( explorer_cfg_t cfg)

Getter for the default software configuration.

cfgA pointer to the software configuration data structure that will be filled with the current configuration data.

◆ ExplorerApp_ResetDefaultDataStreamingMode()

void ExplorerApp_ResetDefaultDataStreamingMode ( explorer_t explorer)

Reset the Argus device to the default data streaming mode.

explorerThe Explorer handle.

◆ ExplorerApp_ResetDeviceMeasurementMode()

status_t ExplorerApp_ResetDeviceMeasurementMode ( explorer_t explorer)

Resets the device measurement mode and load default values.

The measurement mode is reset to the factory default configuration and calibration values.

explorerThe AFBR-Explorer control block.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ ExplorerApp_SetConfiguration()

status_t ExplorerApp_SetConfiguration ( explorer_t explorer,
explorer_cfg_t cfg 

Setter for the software configuration.

explorerThe AFBR-Explorer control block.
cfgA pointer to the software configuration data structure that contains the new configuration data.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ ExplorerApp_SetDebugMode()

status_t ExplorerApp_SetDebugMode ( explorer_t explorer,
bool  debugMode 

Sets the debug mode to the device.

explorerThe AFBR-Explorer control block.
debugModeThe new debug mode enabled state.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ ExplorerApp_SetDeviceMeasurementMode()

status_t ExplorerApp_SetDeviceMeasurementMode ( explorer_t explorer,
argus_mode_t  mode 

Sets the device measurement mode and load default values.

The measurement mode is set to the specified mode and factory default configuration and calibration values are loaded.

explorerThe AFBR-Explorer control block.
modeThe new measurement mode to be set.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).