AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*************************************************************************/
38 #ifndef SCI_DATALINK_H
39 #define SCI_DATALINK_H
41 /*!***************************************************************************
42  * @defgroup sci_datalink SCI: Data Link Layer
43  * @ingroup sci
44  * @brief SCI Data Link Layer
45  * @details Implements the data link layer protocol for systems communication
46  * interface that connects to an external device. It takes care of
47  * sending and receiving data frames and thus byte stuffing and
48  * CRC check.
49  *
50  * Remarks:
51  * - Transmitting frames:
52  * - Two buffers: one for preparing data, one for sending
53  * at the same time.
54  * - If UART TX Line is still busy when trying to send new
55  * data, the program is delayed until TX is idle.
56  * .
57  * - Receiving frames:
58  * - Special frame buffers collect data from RX (w/o
59  * escape bytes)
60  * - Only data between START and STOP is collected.
61  * - After STOP was received, the FrameReceivedCallback
62  * is invoked.
63  * .
64  *
65  * @addtogroup sci_datalink
66  * @{
67  *****************************************************************************/
69 #include "sci_status.h"
70 #include "sci_internal_types.h"
72 /*!***************************************************************************
73  * @brief Whether to allow newline (\n) in print / log messages.
74  *****************************************************************************/
75 #define SCI_ALLOW_NEWLINE 1
77 /*!***************************************************************************
78  * @brief Checks whether the command byte is an extended command (= MSB set).
79  *****************************************************************************/
80 #define SCI_CMD_IS_EXTENDED_CMD(cmd) ((cmd) & 0x80)
82 /*!***************************************************************************
83  * @brief Initialize the data link module.
84  * @details Initialization implies the following steps:
85  * - Initialization of the SCI Hardware Layer, i.e. UART/LPSCI.
86  * - Starts to listen to incoming UART data and calls the frame
87  * received callback.
88  * - Initialization of the CRC module.
89  *
90  * @return Returns the \link #status_t status\endlink (#STATUS_OK on success).
91  *****************************************************************************/
94 /*!***************************************************************************
95  * @brief Checks the CRC checksum for a RX frame.
96  * @param frame The RX frame which requires CRC checking.
97  * @return Returns the \link #status_t status\endlink:
98  * - #STATUS_OK (0) on success.
99  * - #ERROR_SCI_CRC_FAILED if the CRC failed.
100  *****************************************************************************/
103 /*!***************************************************************************
104  * @brief Releases the frame queue.
105  * @param frame The frame queue to be released.
106  *****************************************************************************/
109 /*!***************************************************************************
110  * @brief Resets the frame read pointer to the very first byte (= command byte).
111  * @param frame The frame queue to reset.
112  *****************************************************************************/
115 /*!***************************************************************************
116  * @brief Returns whether the TX line is currently busy and data is being sent.
117  * @return Returns true if the TX line is busy sending data.
118  *****************************************************************************/
119 bool SCI_DataLink_IsTxBusy(void);
121 /*!***************************************************************************
122  * @brief Trigger the data transfer and releases the TX buffers.
123  * @details Before the frame is transferred, a stop byte is added to the end
124  * of the data buffer.
125  * @param frame The frame to be sent.
126  * @param high_priority If set, the frame is queued right after the current
127  * frame. If not set, the frame is queued at the very
128  * end of the frame queue.
129  * @return Returns the \link #status_t status\endlink (#STATUS_OK on success).
130  *****************************************************************************/
131 status_t SCI_DataLink_SendTxFrame(sci_frame_t * frame, bool high_priority);
133 /*!***************************************************************************
134  * @brief Find an unused TX buffer from the queue and prepare it with a start
135  * byte.
136  * @details If sending data over the SCI, an new and empty TX frame needs to be
137  * claimed for usage of the command. This functions finds one and
138  * prepares it with an start byte. A pointer to the frame is returned
139  * if one is found. Otherwise null, so checking for null pointer is
140  * recommended!
141  * @param queueStartByte Whether to queue a start byte into the buffer.
142  * @return Returns a pointer to an free TX frame, zero if no one is currently
143  * available.
144  *****************************************************************************/
145 sci_frame_t * SCI_DataLink_RequestTxFrame(bool queueStartByte);
148 #endif /* SCI_DATALINK_H */
SCI: The internal type definitions.
This file is part of the AFBR-S50 Explorer Application.
Data buffer for outgoing frames.
Definition: sci_internal_types.h:109
int32_t status_t
Type used for all status and error return values.
Definition: argus_status.h:70