AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
argus_cal_electrical_p2pxtalk_t Struct Reference

Electrical Pixel-To-Pixel Crosstalk Compensation Parameters. More...

#include <argus_xtalk.h>

Data Fields

bool Enabled
uq0_8_t RelativeThreshold
uq12_4_t AbsoluteTreshold
q3_12_t KcFactorS
q3_12_t KcFactorC
q3_12_t KcFactorSRefPx
q3_12_t KcFactorCRefPx

Detailed Description

Electrical Pixel-To-Pixel Crosstalk Compensation Parameters.

Contains calibration data that belongs to the electrical pixel-to-pixel crosstalk compensation feature.

Field Documentation

◆ AbsoluteTreshold

uq12_4_t argus_cal_electrical_p2pxtalk_t::AbsoluteTreshold

The absolute threshold determines the minimum total crosstalk amplitude (i.e. the average amplitude of all pixels weighted by the Kc factor) that is required for the compensation to become active. Set to 0 to always enable. Absolute and relative conditions are connected with AND logic.

◆ Enabled

bool argus_cal_electrical_p2pxtalk_t::Enabled

Electrical Pixel-To-Pixel Compensation on/off.

◆ KcFactorC

q3_12_t argus_cal_electrical_p2pxtalk_t::KcFactorC

The cosine component of the Kc factor that determines the amount of the total signal of all pixels that influences the individual signal of each pixel. Higher values determine more influence on the individual pixel signal.

◆ KcFactorCRefPx

q3_12_t argus_cal_electrical_p2pxtalk_t::KcFactorCRefPx

The cosine component of the reference pixel Kc factor that determines the amount of the total signal on all pixels that influences the individual signal of the reference pixel. Higher values determine more influence on the reference pixel signal.

◆ KcFactorS

q3_12_t argus_cal_electrical_p2pxtalk_t::KcFactorS

The sine component of the Kc factor that determines the amount of the total signal of all pixels that influences the individual signal of each pixel. Higher values determine more influence on the individual pixel signal.

◆ KcFactorSRefPx

q3_12_t argus_cal_electrical_p2pxtalk_t::KcFactorSRefPx

The sine component of the reference pixel Kc factor that determines the amount of the total signal on all pixels that influences the individual signal of the reference pixel. Higher values determine more influence on the reference pixel signal.

◆ RelativeThreshold

uq0_8_t argus_cal_electrical_p2pxtalk_t::RelativeThreshold

The relative threshold determines when the compensation is active for each individual pixel. The value determines the ratio of the individual pixel signal with respect to the overall average signal. If the ratio is smaller than the value, the compensation is active. Absolute and relative conditions are connected with AND logic.

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