AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software

Device calibration parameter definitions and API functions. More...

Collaboration diagram for Calibration:

Data Structures

union  argus_cal_offset_table_t
 Pixel Range Offset Table. More...
struct  xtalk_t
 Pixel Crosstalk Compensation Vector. More...
union  argus_cal_xtalk_table_t
 Pixel Crosstalk Vector Table. More...
struct  argus_cal_electrical_p2pxtalk_t
 Electrical Pixel-To-Pixel Crosstalk Compensation Parameters. More...
struct  argus_cal_optical_p2pxtalk_t
 Optical Pixel-To-Pixel Crosstalk Compensation Parameters. More...
struct  argus_cal_p2pxtalk_t
 Pixel-To-Pixel Crosstalk Compensation Parameters. More...


status_t Argus_SetCalibrationGlobalRangeOffsets (argus_hnd_t *hnd, q0_15_t offset_low, q0_15_t offset_high)
 Sets the global range offset values to a specified device. More...
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationGlobalRangeOffsets (argus_hnd_t *hnd, q0_15_t *offset_low, q0_15_t *offset_high)
 Gets the global range offset values from a specified device. More...
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets (argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_offset_table_t const *value)
 Sets the relative pixel offset table to a specified device. More...
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets (argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_offset_table_t *value)
 Gets the relative pixel offset table from a specified device. More...
status_t Argus_ResetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets (argus_hnd_t *hnd)
 Resets the relative pixel offset values for the specified device to the factory calibrated default values. More...
void Argus_GetPixelRangeOffsets_Callback (argus_cal_offset_table_t *offsets, argus_mode_t const mode)
 A callback that returns the external pixel range offsets. More...
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationRangeOffsetSequenceSampleTime (argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint16_t value)
 Sets the sample time for the range offset calibration sequence. More...
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationRangeOffsetSequenceSampleTime (argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint16_t *value)
 Gets the sample time for the range offset calibration sequence. More...
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkPixel2Pixel (argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_p2pxtalk_t const *value)
 Sets the pixel-to-pixel crosstalk compensation parameters to a specified device. More...
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkPixel2Pixel (argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_p2pxtalk_t *value)
 Gets the pixel-to-pixel crosstalk compensation parameters from a specified device. More...
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable (argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_xtalk_table_t const *value)
 Sets the custom crosstalk vector table to a specified device. More...
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable (argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_xtalk_table_t *value)
 Gets the custom crosstalk vector table from a specified device. More...
status_t Argus_ResetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable (argus_hnd_t *hnd)
 Resets the crosstalk vector table for the specified device to the factory calibrated default values. More...
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceSampleTime (argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint16_t value)
 Sets the sample time for the crosstalk calibration sequence. More...
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceSampleTime (argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint16_t *value)
 Gets the sample time for the crosstalk calibration sequence. More...
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceAmplitudeThreshold (argus_hnd_t *hnd, uq12_4_t value)
 Sets the max. amplitude threshold for the crosstalk calibration sequence. More...
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceAmplitudeThreshold (argus_hnd_t *hnd, uq12_4_t *value)
 Gets the max. amplitude threshold for the crosstalk calibration sequence. More...
status_t Argus_ClearUserCalibration (argus_hnd_t *hnd)
 Clears all user calibration values from NVM for the specified device. More...
void Argus_GetCrosstalkVectorTable_Callback (argus_cal_xtalk_table_t *xtalk, argus_mode_t const mode)
 A callback that returns the external crosstalk vector table. More...
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationGoldenPixel (argus_hnd_t const *hnd, uint8_t *x, uint8_t *y)
 Gets the currently calibrated Golden Pixel coordinates. More...

Detailed Description

Device calibration parameter definitions and API functions.

The calibration concept of the Time-of-Flight measurement device is made up of three parts:

Calibration API

Function Documentation

◆ Argus_ClearUserCalibration()

status_t Argus_ClearUserCalibration ( argus_hnd_t hnd)

Clears all user calibration values from NVM for the specified device.

The user calibration values are stored in the non-volatile memory (NVM) if corresponding NVM hardware layer is implemented. This method clears the user calibration data from the non-volatile memory.

This does not reset the currently set calibration values to factory defaults!
hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkPixel2Pixel()

status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkPixel2Pixel ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
argus_cal_p2pxtalk_t value 

Gets the pixel-to-pixel crosstalk compensation parameters from a specified device.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe current pixel-to-pixel crosstalk compensation parameters.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceAmplitudeThreshold()

status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceAmplitudeThreshold ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
uq12_4_t value 

Gets the max. amplitude threshold for the crosstalk calibration sequence.

The maximum amplitude threshold defines a maximum crosstalk vector amplitude before causing an error message. If the crosstalk is too high, there is usually an issue with the measurement setup, i.e. there is still a measurement signal detected.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe current max. amplitude threshold value in UQ12.4 format.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceSampleTime()

status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceSampleTime ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
uint16_t *  value 

Gets the sample time for the crosstalk calibration sequence.

Gets the measurement sample acquisition time for executing the crosstalk calibration sequence and generate the crosstalk data.
Units: msec.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe current crosstalk calibration sequence sample time.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable()

status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
argus_cal_xtalk_table_t value 

Gets the custom crosstalk vector table from a specified device.

The crosstalk vectors are subtracted from the raw sampling data in the data evaluation phase.

The crosstalk vector table is a three dimensional array of type xtalk_t. The argus_cal_xtalk_table_t is the corresponding typedef for the required data.

The dimensions are:

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe current crosstalk vector table.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_GetCalibrationGlobalRangeOffsets()

status_t Argus_GetCalibrationGlobalRangeOffsets ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
q0_15_t offset_low,
q0_15_t offset_high 

Gets the global range offset values from a specified device.

The global range offsets are subtracted from the raw range values. There are two distinct values that are applied in low or high power stage setting respectively.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
offset_lowThe current range offset for the low power stage in meter and Q0.15 format.
offset_highThe current global range offset for the high power stage in meter and Q0.15 format.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_GetCalibrationGoldenPixel()

status_t Argus_GetCalibrationGoldenPixel ( argus_hnd_t const *  hnd,
uint8_t *  x,
uint8_t *  y 

Gets the currently calibrated Golden Pixel coordinates.

The Golden Pixel is the pixel that is located at the center of the receiving light beam. Thus it it the one that receives the most signal and plays a central role in 1D measurement systems.

The function fills the provided x and y parameters with the Golden Pixel coordinates. Typical values are x = 5 and y = 1 or 2. But the actual values depend on the specific sensor.

Please also note the utility functions provided in the Pixel Channel Mapping module to convert between pixel coordinates and channel numbers or shift pixel maps by a position offset (ShiftSelectedPixels) or generate pixel masks centered around the Golden Pixel (FillPixelMask).

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
xThe Golden Pixel x-coordinate.
yThe Golden Pixel y-coordinate.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_GetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets()

status_t Argus_GetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
argus_cal_offset_table_t value 

Gets the relative pixel offset table from a specified device.

The relative pixel offset values are subtracted from the raw range values for each individual pixel. Note that a global range offset is applied additionally. The relative pixel offset values are meant to be with respect to the average range of all pixels, i.e. the average of all relative offsets should be 0!

The crosstalk vector table is a two dimensional array of type q0_15_t, wrapped within the argus_cal_offset_table_t structure.

The dimensions are:

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe current relative range offset in meter and Q0.15 format.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_GetCalibrationRangeOffsetSequenceSampleTime()

status_t Argus_GetCalibrationRangeOffsetSequenceSampleTime ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
uint16_t *  value 

Gets the sample time for the range offset calibration sequence.

Gets the measurement sample acquisition time for executing the range offset calibration sequence and generate the offset data.
Units: msec.

Since the range offset calibration is executed twice (once for low and once for high laser power stages), the actual calibration time will be twice as long as set by the sample time parameter.
hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe current range offset calibration sequence sample time.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_GetCrosstalkVectorTable_Callback()

void Argus_GetCrosstalkVectorTable_Callback ( argus_cal_xtalk_table_t xtalk,
argus_mode_t const  mode 

A callback that returns the external crosstalk vector table.

The function needs to be implemented by the host application in order to set the external crosstalk vector table upon system initialization. If not defined in user code, the default implementation will return an all zero vector table, assuming there is no (additional) external crosstalk.

If defined in user code, the function must fill all vector values in the provided

crosstalk parameter with external crosstalk
values. The values can be obtained by the calibration routine.

Example usage:

memset(xtalk, 0, sizeof(argus_cal_xtalk_table_t));
// Set crosstalk vectors in Q11.4 format.
// Note on dual-frequency frame index: 0 = A-Frame; 1 = B-Frame
xtalk.FrameA[0][0].dS = -9; xtalk.FrameB[0][0].dC = -11;
xtalk.FrameA[0][1].dS = -13; xtalk.FrameB[0][1].dC = -16;
xtalk.FrameA[0][2].dS = 6; xtalk.FrameB[0][2].dC = -18;
// etc.
xtalkThe crosstalk vector array; to be filled with data.
modeThe current measurement mode.

◆ Argus_GetPixelRangeOffsets_Callback()

void Argus_GetPixelRangeOffsets_Callback ( argus_cal_offset_table_t offsets,
argus_mode_t const  mode 

A callback that returns the external pixel range offsets.

The function needs to be implemented by the host application in order to set the external pixel range offsets values upon system initialization. If not defined in user code, the default implementation will return an all zero offset table, assuming there is no (additional) external pixel range offset values.

If defined in user code, the function must fill all offset values in the provided

offsets parameter with external range offset
values. The values can be obtained by the calibration routine.

Example usage:

memset(offsets, 0, sizeof(argus_cal_offset_t));
// Set offset values in meter and Q0.15 format.
offsets.Table[0][0] = -3542;
offsets.Table[0][1] = -4385;
offsets.Table[0][2] = 2953;
// etc.
offsetsThe pixel range offsets in meter and Q0.15 format; to be filled with data.
modeThe current measurement mode.

◆ Argus_ResetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable()

status_t Argus_ResetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable ( argus_hnd_t hnd)

Resets the crosstalk vector table for the specified device to the factory calibrated default values.

The crosstalk vectors are subtracted from the raw sampling data in the data evaluation phase.

  • The factory defaults are device specific calibrated values.
hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_ResetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets()

status_t Argus_ResetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets ( argus_hnd_t hnd)

Resets the relative pixel offset values for the specified device to the factory calibrated default values.

The relative pixel offset values are subtracted from the raw range values for each individual pixel. Note that a global range offset is applied additionally.

The factory defaults are device specific values.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkPixel2Pixel()

status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkPixel2Pixel ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
argus_cal_p2pxtalk_t const *  value 

Sets the pixel-to-pixel crosstalk compensation parameters to a specified device.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe new pixel-to-pixel crosstalk compensation parameters.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceAmplitudeThreshold()

status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceAmplitudeThreshold ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
uq12_4_t  value 

Sets the max. amplitude threshold for the crosstalk calibration sequence.

The maximum amplitude threshold defines a maximum crosstalk vector amplitude before causing an error message. If the crosstalk is too high, there is usually an issue with the measurement setup, i.e. there is still a measurement signal detected.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe new crosstalk calibration sequence maximum amplitude threshold value in UQ12.4 format.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceSampleTime()

status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceSampleTime ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
uint16_t  value 

Sets the sample time for the crosstalk calibration sequence.

Sets the measurement sample acquisition time for executing the crosstalk calibration sequence and generate the crosstalk data.
Units: msec.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe new crosstalk calibration sequence sample time.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable()

status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
argus_cal_xtalk_table_t const *  value 

Sets the custom crosstalk vector table to a specified device.

The crosstalk vectors are subtracted from the raw sampling data in the data evaluation phase.

The crosstalk vector table is a three dimensional array of type xtalk_t. The argus_cal_xtalk_table_t is the corresponding typedef for the required data.

The dimensions are:

Its recommended to use the built-in crosstalk calibration sequence (see Argus_ExecuteXtalkCalibrationSequence) to determine the crosstalk vector table.

If a constant table for all device needs to be incorporated into the sources, the Argus_GetCrosstalkVectorTable_Callback should be used.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe new crosstalk vector table.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_SetCalibrationGlobalRangeOffsets()

status_t Argus_SetCalibrationGlobalRangeOffsets ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
q0_15_t  offset_low,
q0_15_t  offset_high 

Sets the global range offset values to a specified device.

The global range offsets are subtracted from the raw range values. There are two distinct values that are applied in low or high power stage setting respectively.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
offset_lowThe new global range offset for the low power stage in meter and Q0.15 format.
offset_highThe new global range offset for the high power stage in meter and Q0.15 format.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_SetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets()

status_t Argus_SetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
argus_cal_offset_table_t const *  value 

Sets the relative pixel offset table to a specified device.

The relative pixel offset values are subtracted from the raw range values for each individual pixel. Note that a global range offset is applied additionally. The relative pixel offset values are meant to be with respect to the average range of all pixels, i.e. the average of all relative offsets should be 0!

The crosstalk vector table is a two dimensional array of type q0_15_t, wrapped within the argus_cal_offset_table_t structure.

The dimensions are:

Its recommended to use the built-in pixel offset calibration sequence (see Argus_ExecuteRelativeRangeOffsetCalibrationSequence) to determine the offset table for the current device.

If a constant offset table for all device needs to be incorporated into the sources, the Argus_GetPixelRangeOffsets_Callback should be used.

hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe new relative range offset in meter and Q0.15 format.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).

◆ Argus_SetCalibrationRangeOffsetSequenceSampleTime()

status_t Argus_SetCalibrationRangeOffsetSequenceSampleTime ( argus_hnd_t hnd,
uint16_t  value 

Sets the sample time for the range offset calibration sequence.

Gets the measurement sample acquisition time for executing the range offset calibration sequence and generate the offset data.
Units: msec.

Since the range offset calibration is executed twice (once for low and once for high laser power stages), the actual calibration time will be twice as long as set by the sample time parameter.
hndThe API handle; contains all internal states and data.
valueThe new range offset calibration sequence sample time.
Returns the status (STATUS_OK on success).
Definition: argus_offset.h:69
Definition: argus_xtalk.h:84
Pixel Range Offset Table.
Definition: argus_offset.h:54
void Argus_GetPixelRangeOffsets_Callback(argus_cal_offset_table_t *offsets, argus_mode_t const mode)
A callback that returns the external pixel range offsets.
Definition: argus_xtalk.h:81
Pixel Crosstalk Vector Table.
Definition: argus_xtalk.h:76
void Argus_GetCrosstalkVectorTable_Callback(argus_cal_xtalk_table_t *xtalk, argus_mode_t const mode)
A callback that returns the external crosstalk vector table.
q11_4_t dC
Definition: argus_xtalk.h:67
q11_4_t dS
Definition: argus_xtalk.h:62
int32_t status_t
Type used for all status and error return values.
Definition: argus_status.h:70