AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
The following demo applications are provided with the AFBR-S50 API on order to present its usage:
These are basic demo applications that serve as starting point for the customers own implementation. The example applications are kept simple and are documented well within the source code in order to make it easy to follow and understand their purpose. Each example application shows different use cases of the AFBR-S50 API. The following apps are currently implemented:
The Explorer Application is a full featured implementation of the API that is used in the AFBR-S50 Evaluation Kits. The Explorer Application implements a sophisticated serial communication interface that publishes the full AFBR-S50 API via USB or UART interfaces. The AFBR-S50 Explorer GUI that runs on a Windows machines connects to the Explorer Application.
The AFBR-S50 Reference Board by MikroElektronika contains a CAN-Bus interface which is presented with the CAN-Bus Application. The application runs on the featured Renesas RA4M2 Cortex-M33 processor and implements a basic CAN Interface that can be easily enhanced and adopted by the user.
MAVLink App (AFBR-S50 Ref. Board)