AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
The measurement modes.
Definition: argus_def.h:275
argus_hnd_t * hnd
Definition: main.c:100
Dynamic Configuration Adaption (DCA) Parameters.
Definition: argus_dca.h:371
status_t Argus_Init(argus_hnd_t *hnd, s2pi_slave_t spi_slave)
Initializes the device with default measurement mode.
status_t Argus_ExecuteXtalkCalibrationSequence(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Executes a crosstalk calibration measurement.
s2pi_slave_t Argus_GetSPISlave(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Gets the SPI hardware slave identifier.
This file is part of the AFBR-S50 API.
status_t Argus_EvaluateData(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_results_t *res)
Evaluates measurement data from the raw sensor readout data.
status_t Argus_EvaluateDataDebug(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_results_t *res, argus_results_debug_t *dbg)
Evaluates measurement data from the raw sensor readout data.
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_offset_table_t *value)
Gets the relative pixel offset table from a specified device.
status_t Argus_GetConfigurationDFMMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_dfm_mode_t *value)
Gets the Dual Frequency Mode (DFM) from a specified device.
This file is part of the AFBR-S50 API.
status_t Argus_StopMeasurementTimer(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Stops the timer based measurement cycle.
const char * Argus_GetModuleName(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Gets the name string of the module.
status_t Argus_GetConfigurationUnambiguousRange(argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint32_t *range_mm)
Gets the current unambiguous range in mm.
status_t Argus_InitMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd, s2pi_slave_t spi_slave, argus_mode_t mode)
Initializes the device with specified measurement mode.
status_t Argus_Deinit(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Deinitializes the API modules and the device.
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationGoldenPixel(argus_hnd_t const *hnd, uint8_t *x, uint8_t *y)
Gets the currently calibrated Golden Pixel coordinates.
This file is part of the AFBR-S50 API.
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_offset_table_t const *value)
Sets the relative pixel offset table to a specified device.
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceAmplitudeThreshold(argus_hnd_t *hnd, uq12_4_t *value)
Gets the max. amplitude threshold for the crosstalk calibration sequence.
This file is part of the AFBR-S50 hardware API.
uint16_t uq12_4_t
Unsigned fixed point number: UQ12.4.
Definition: fp_def.h:231
int32_t q9_22_t
Signed fixed point number: Q9.22.
Definition: fp_def.h:538
The AFBR-S50 chip versions.
Definition: argus_def.h:199
status_t Argus_Reinit(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Reinitializes the device with the current measurement mode.
Pixel Range Offset Table.
Definition: argus_offset.h:54
status_t Argus_Ping(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Tests the connection to the device by sending a ping message.
This file is part of the AFBR-S50 hardware API.
status_t Argus_TriggerMeasurement(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_measurement_ready_callback_t cb)
Triggers a single measurement frame asynchronously.
status_t Argus_GetConfigurationDynamicAdaption(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cfg_dca_t *value)
Gets the # from a specified device.
status_t Argus_GetConfigurationPixelBinning(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cfg_pba_t *value)
Gets the pixel binning configuration parameters from a specified device.
void Argus_GetPixelRangeOffsets_Callback(argus_cal_offset_table_t *offsets, argus_mode_t const mode)
A callback that returns the external pixel range offsets.
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkPixel2Pixel(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_p2pxtalk_t *value)
Gets the pixel-to-pixel crosstalk compensation parameters from a specified device.
This file is part of the AFBR-S50 API.
The debug data of measurement results data structure.
Definition: argus_res.h:143
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationRangeOffsetSequenceSampleTime(argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint16_t *value)
Gets the sample time for the range offset calibration sequence.
struct argus_hnd_t argus_hnd_t
Definition: argus_def.h:320
argus_chip_version_t Argus_GetChipVersion(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Gets the version number of the chip.
Definition: argus_snm.h:65
status_t Argus_SetConfigurationFrameTime(argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint32_t value)
Sets the frame time to a specified device.
status_t Argus_Abort(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Stops the currently ongoing measurements and SPI activity immediately.
The measurement results data structure.
Definition: argus_res.h:215
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceAmplitudeThreshold(argus_hnd_t *hnd, uq12_4_t value)
Sets the max. amplitude threshold for the crosstalk calibration sequence.
argus_mode_t Argus_GetDefaultMeasurementMode(argus_module_version_t module)
Gets the default measurement mode for a specified module type.
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationGlobalRangeOffsets(argus_hnd_t *hnd, q0_15_t *offset_low, q0_15_t *offset_high)
Gets the global range offset values from a specified device.
bool Argus_IsDataEvaluationPending(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Determines whether a data evaluation is pending.
uint32_t Argus_GetChipID(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Gets the unique identification number of the chip.
status_t Argus_RestoreDeviceState(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Restores the device state with a re-write of all register values.
status_t Argus_DestroyHandle(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Destroys a given device data handle object.
This file is part of the AFBR-S50 hardware API.
uint32_t Argus_GetAPIVersion(void)
Gets the version number of the current API library.
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationRangeOffsetSequenceSampleTime(argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint16_t value)
Sets the sample time for the range offset calibration sequence.
status_t(* argus_measurement_ready_callback_t)(status_t status, argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Measurement Ready API callback function.
Definition: argus_def.h:351
int32_t s2pi_slave_t
Definition: argus_api.h:67
status_t Argus_ResetCalibrationPixelRangeOffsets(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Resets the relative pixel offset values for the specified device to the factory calibrated default va...
status_t Argus_SetConfigurationDynamicAdaption(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cfg_dca_t const *value)
Sets the full DCA module configuration to a specified device.
status_t Argus_ClearUserCalibration(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Clears all user calibration values from NVM for the specified device.
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkPixel2Pixel(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_p2pxtalk_t const *value)
Sets the pixel-to-pixel crosstalk compensation parameters to a specified device.
Pixel Crosstalk Vector Table.
Definition: argus_xtalk.h:76
int16_t q0_15_t
Signed fixed point number: Q0.15.
Definition: fp_def.h:381
status_t Argus_GetConfigurationCrosstalkMonitorMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd, bool *value)
Gets the Crosstalk Monitor (XTM) mode from a specified device.
const char * Argus_GetBuildNumber(void)
Gets the build number of the current API library.
argus_hnd_t * Argus_CreateHandle(void)
Creates a new device data handle object to store all internal states.
status_t Argus_ResetMeasurementMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Resets the measurement mode to a specified device.
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceSampleTime(argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint16_t value)
Sets the sample time for the crosstalk calibration sequence.
status_t Argus_GetStatus(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Checks the state of the device/driver.
status_t Argus_SetMeasurementMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_mode_t mode)
Sets the measurement mode to a specified device.
status_t Argus_GetMeasurementMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_mode_t *mode)
Gets the measurement mode from a specified device.
Definition: argus_dfm.h:70
void Argus_GetCrosstalkVectorTable_Callback(argus_cal_xtalk_table_t *xtalk, argus_mode_t const mode)
A callback that returns the external crosstalk vector table.
status_t Argus_StartMeasurementTimer(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_measurement_ready_callback_t cb)
Starts the timer based measurement cycle asynchronously.
status_t Argus_StopTeachInMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Stops the teach-in measurement mode.
status_t Argus_GetConfigurationFrameTime(argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint32_t *value)
Gets the frame time from a specified device.
The AFBR-S50 module types.
Definition: argus_def.h:92
argus_module_version_t Argus_GetModuleVersion(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Gets the version/variant of the module.
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_xtalk_table_t *value)
Gets the custom crosstalk vector table from a specified device.
status_t Argus_ReinitMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_mode_t mode)
Reinitializes the device with a specified measurement mode.
status_t Argus_SetConfigurationCrosstalkMonitorMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd, bool value)
Sets the Crosstalk Monitor (XTM) mode to a specified device.
status_t Argus_GetCalibrationCrosstalkSequenceSampleTime(argus_hnd_t *hnd, uint16_t *value)
Gets the sample time for the crosstalk calibration sequence.
bool Argus_IsTimerMeasurementActive(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Determines if the device if active with timer based measurements.
status_t Argus_SetConfigurationDFMMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_dfm_mode_t value)
Sets the Dual Frequency Mode (DFM) to a specified device.
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationGlobalRangeOffsets(argus_hnd_t *hnd, q0_15_t offset_low, q0_15_t offset_high)
Sets the global range offset values to a specified device.
status_t Argus_ResetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Resets the crosstalk vector table for the specified device to the factory calibrated default values.
status_t Argus_SetCalibrationCrosstalkVectorTable(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cal_xtalk_table_t const *value)
Sets the custom crosstalk vector table to a specified device.
status_t Argus_ExecuteRelativeRangeOffsetCalibrationSequence(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Executes a relative range offset calibration measurement.
status_t Argus_SetConfigurationSmartPowerSaveEnabled(argus_hnd_t *hnd, bool value)
Sets the smart power save enabled flag to a specified device.
status_t Argus_GetConfigurationSmartPowerSaveEnabled(argus_hnd_t *hnd, bool *value)
Gets the smart power save enabled flag from a specified device.
status_t Argus_StartTeachInMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Starts the teach-in measurement mode.
The pixel binning algorithm settings data structure.
Definition: argus_pba.h:207
int32_t status_t
Type used for all status and error return values.
Definition: argus_status.h:70
status_t Argus_ExecuteAbsoluteRangeOffsetCalibrationSequence(argus_hnd_t *hnd, q9_22_t targetRange)
Executes an absolute range offset calibration measurement.
argus_laser_type_t Argus_GetLaserType(argus_hnd_t *hnd)
Gets the type number of the device laser.
status_t Argus_SetConfigurationShotNoiseMonitorMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_snm_mode_t value)
Sets the Shot Noise Monitor (SNM) mode to a specified device.
The AFBR-S50 laser configurations.
Definition: argus_def.h:174
status_t Argus_SetConfigurationPixelBinning(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_cfg_pba_t const *value)
Sets the pixel binning configuration parameters to a specified device.
status_t Argus_GetConfigurationShotNoiseMonitorMode(argus_hnd_t *hnd, argus_snm_mode_t *value)
Gets the Shot Noise Monitor (SNM) mode from a specified device.
Pixel-To-Pixel Crosstalk Compensation Parameters.
Definition: argus_xtalk.h:168