AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
e² Studio IDE

The provided example projects can be run on the Renesas targets (RA4M2) using the e² Studio IDE.

This guide shows how to use the example projects but the same steps can be executed to run the other e² Studio IDE projects. See Demo Applications for an overview.

Execute the following steps to get the example projects up and running. Please also refer to the e² Studio documentation by Renesas in case of any trouble.

Depending on where you obtain the code, i.e. from the SDK installer or the GitHub repository, certain steps may differ. The projects that come with the SDK installer (found at [INSTALL_DIR]\Device\Projects\) are provided as zip-file and will be copied into the e² Studio workspace. The projects downloaded or cloned from the AFBR-S50 GitHub repository are already unpacked an must be imported but not copied into the e² Studio workspace (otherwise the project references may become invalid).

In order to run provided project, execute the following steps:

Install Renesas e² Studio IDE

Download and install the e² Studio IDE:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Download and register or sign in to download the installer.
  3. Install the IDE.
  4. Go to for more information.
Please make sure the installation adds a recent version of the Renesas FSP (Flexible Software Package). Otherwise, you may need to add it after the installation. Go to and browse for the latest FSP_Packs_v#.#.#.exe.

Import a Project

Import the project archive files:

  1. Go to e² Studio IDE -> Welcome Page
  2. Click on Import existing projects
  3. Select your project for import:
    • If importing a project as zip file as provided by the SDK installer:
      1. Click on Browse... in the Select archive file section
      2. Browse to [INSTALL_DIR]\Device\Projects\ (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Broadcom\AFBR-S50 SDK\Device\Projects\)
      3. Select the required project archive (e.g. and click Open
    • If importing a project from the local directory as provided by cloning/downloading the GitHub repository:
      1. Click on Browse... in the Select root directory section
      2. Browse to [REPOSITORY_ROOT]\Projects\e2Studio\
      3. Select the required project root folder (e.g. AFBR_S50_Example_RA4M2) and click Select Folder
      4. IMPORTANT: Click Nextand disable the check at Copy projects into Workspace. (Otherwise, the references to the source files will be messed up!)
        Fig. 3.9: Import Project to e² Studio
  4. Click Finish

Build the Project

  1. Go to e² Studio IDE -> Project Explorer and select the project to build.
  2. Go to Quickstart Panel and click on Build
Fig. 3.10: Build the project on e² Studio.
If the build fails and the IDE complains about missing definitions or files, make sure that the e2 Studio and FSP installations are not broken. This seems to randomly happen when the FSP is updated to a newer version. In that case, completely remove the Renesas e2 Studio and all related stuff (e.g. uninstall everything label with Renesas) and reinstall the latest e2 Studio IDE and FSP package as described above.

Debug the Project with a SWD debugger

The Renesas RA4M2 on the AFBR-S50 Reference Board can be debugged with any SWD debug probe supported by the e² Studio. Please refer to the e² Studio documentation for more information. The following demonstrate the steps using a J-Link SWD Debug Probe:

  1. Connect the debug probe via SWD cable to the debug probe on the reference board.
  2. Select the project to debug in the Project Explorer of the Renesas e² Studio IDE.
  3. Select Run > Debug Configurations....
  4. Select Renesas GDB Hardware Debugging and click the New Configuration Button.
  5. In the new configuration, go to Debugger
  6. In Debug Hardware select J-Link ARM
  7. In Target Device select R7FA4M2AD
  8. Click Apply and Debug
    Fig. 3.11: Debug Configuration.
  9. The program breaks at the Reset_Handler(). Click on Resume and program breaks at the main(), hit Resume and the program runs.
    Fig. 3.12: Resume the halted program.

Connect the UART interface to PC

Follow the steps in the Serial (UART) Connector section to connect to the board via UART.

Display the Measurement Values

This applies only for the Example Apps. In case of the Explorer App, use the AFBR-S50 Explorer GUI instead.

Display the measurement values on a PC via an UART terminal:

  1. Open a terminal (e.g. Termite) and open a UART connection using 115200 bps, 8N1, no handshake connection.
    Baud rate Data Bits Stop Bits Parity Flow Control
    115200 bps 8 1 none none
    Fig. 3.7: Setting up the terminal to receive measurement results.
  2. Range values will start to occur on the terminal as soon as the program starts its execution.
    Fig. 3.8: The serial terminal is used to display the received measurement results.