AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
Getting Started

The following section gives an brief overview on of the AFBR-S50 Core Library and API and shows how to get started using the evaluation or reference platforms and example applications.

In order to get more information about the featured applications, refer to the Demo Applications section.

If a port to another microcontroller platform is required, refer to the MCU Porting Guide section.

Build And Run Projects

To directly dive into building and debugging the featured projects, go to the corresponding IDE getting started section:

Here is an overview of the featured targets and the required IDEs:

Board MCU IDE Comment
AFBR-S50 Evaluation Kit NXP Kinetis MKL46z MCUXpresso IDE Based on the NXP FRDM-KL46z Evaluation Board
AFBR-S50 Reference Design NXP Kinetis MKL17z MCUXpresso IDE
AFBR-S50 Evaluation Kit STM32F401RE STM32CubeIDE Based on the STM32 NUCLEO-F401RE Evaluation Board
AFBR-S50 Reference Board Renesas RA4M2 e² Studio IDE Provided by MikroElektronika

Using the AFBR-S50 API

All AFBR-S50 API related functions, definitions and constants have a prefix Argus_ which is essentially an alias or working title for the AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor device.

The AFBR-S50 Core Library is provided as a static ANSI-C library file (lib*.a) and the corresponding API is provided as ANSI-C header files (*.h). After setting up the linker to link the library, it is sufficient to include the main header in the AFBR-S50/Include folder, argus.h:

#include "argus.h"


The API utilizes an abstract handler object that contains all internal states for a single time-of-flight sensor device. In this way, it is possible to use the same API with more than a single device. After including the header file, the handler object must be created by calling the Argus_CreateHandle function to obtain a pointer to the newly allocated object. This is done via the standard library function:

void * malloc(size_t size)

If it is required to use a different function, create and overwrite the weakly linked method and implement your own memory allocation algorithm:

void * Argus_Malloc(size_t size) { /* ... */ }

After creation of the handler object, the AFBR-S50 module must be initialized with the corresponding handler object:

Note that all peripheral modules must be ready to be used before executing any API function. So make sure to initialize the board and its peripherals before initializing the API via Argus_Init.

After calling Argus_Init, the device is ready to run and has been setup with default configuration and calibration data. Use the provided API functions to customize the given default configuration to the needs and requirements of the application.

Note that Argus_Init returns STATUS_OK on successful initialization. In case of any non-zero return value, refer to the Troubleshooting section

Running Measurements

There are two possibilities to operate the device:

  • Trigger single measurements and poll the device status.
  • Utilize a periodic interrupt timer to periodically start measurements autonomously.

Single Measurements

Using the simple polling method, the measurements are triggered by the main thread by calling the Argus_TriggerMeasurement function any time a new measurement should be started. A new measurement frame is started and after reading the data from the device, the callback is invoked to inform the host application about the data ready event.

In the meantime, the host application can either poll the module status using the Argus_GetStatus method or execute other tasks and wait for the measurement data ready callback.

After finishing the measurement cycle, the Argus_EvaluateData function must be called to obtain measurement data like range and signal quality from the raw readout data. Note that it is mandatory to call the evaluation method after each completed measurement cycle. Otherwise, the internal raw data buffer is kept occupied and no new measurements can be triggered anymore. The module contains a double buffer architecture, which allows to start the next measurement and evaluate the current measurement data while the device already executes the next measurement frame.

After evaluation, the argus_results_t data structure is filled with all measurement results that can be processed now be processed by the host application depending on the users needs.

Please note that the laser safety module might refuse to restart a measurement at the time the function is called. This is due to timing constraints dictated by the laser safety rules. In this case, the function does return with STATUS_ARGUS_POWERLIMIT instead. Use the frame time and similar parameters to adjust the required pause times via the configuration API methods.

An example implementation is shown in the Simple Example section.

Periodic Measurements

A more advanced way of operating the device is to leverage from a Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) and invoke new measurement cycles periodically and autonomously from its interrupt service routine.

The timer is implemented in the timer interface. Instead of calling the Argus_TriggerMeasurement function periodically from the main thread, the measurement cycles are initiated via the Argus_StartMeasurementTimer method. The measurement cycles are restarted in an autonomous way from the periodic interrupt with specified period.

Every time, a new raw measurement data set is ready, the measurement data ready callback is invoked by the API to inform the main thread about the event.

Similar to the previous method, the Argus_EvaluateData function must be called before the data can be used. Note that not calling the function will lead to measurements are not restarted before the evaluation method is called and the data buffers is freed. In the same manner, a slow data evaluation or much user code to delay the data evaluation method might decrease the measurement frame rate.

An example implementation is shown in the Advanced Example section.

argus_hnd_t * hnd
Definition: main.c:100
status_t Argus_Init(argus_hnd_t *hnd, s2pi_slave_t spi_slave)
Initializes the device with default measurement mode.
This file is part of the AFBR-S50 API.
#define SPI_SLAVE
Definition: examples.h:103
static status_t status
Definition: argus_xtalk_cal_cli.c:140
int32_t status_t
Type used for all status and error return values.
Definition: argus_status.h:70