AFBR-S50 API Reference Manual  v1.6.5
AFBR-S50 Time-of-Flight Sensor SDK for Embedded Software
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
 AFBR-S50 SDKAFBR-S50 API and Core Libraries
 UtilityUtility library containing useful functions
 Miscellaneous MathMiscellaneous math utility functions utilized within the API
 Fixed Point MathA basic math library for fixed point number in the Qx.y fomat
 Time UtilityTimer utilities for time measurement duties
 Hardware Abstraction LayersCollection of all interfaces for the Hardware Abstraction Layers (HAL)
 IRQ: Global Interrupt Control LayerGlobal Interrupt Control Layer
 NVM: Non-Volatile Memory LayerNon-Volatile Memory Layer
 Debug: Logging InterfaceLogging interface for the AFBR-S50 API
 S2PI: Serial Peripheral InterfaceS2PI: SPI incl. GPIO Hardware Layer Module
 Timer: Hardware Timer InterfaceTimer implementations for lifetime counting as well as periodic callback
 AFBR-S50 APIThe main module of the API from the AFBR-S50 SDK
 ConfigurationDevice configuration parameter definitions and API functions
 CalibrationDevice calibration parameter definitions and API functions
 Dynamic Configuration AdaptionDynamic Configuration Adaption (DCA) parameter definitions and API functions
 Dual Frequency ModeDual Frequency Mode (DFM) parameter definitions and API functions
 Pixel Channel MappingPixel Channel Mapping
 Measurement/Device ControlMeasurement/Device control module
 Pixel Binning AlgorithmPixel Binning Algorithm (PBA) parameter definitions and API functions
 Measurement DataMeasurement results data structures
 Shot Noise MonitorShot Noise Monitor (SNM) parameter definitions and API functions
 API VersionAPI and library core version number
 Status CodesStatus and Error Code Definitions
 Debugging CLIA CLI module to print debugging information on frame basis
 HAL Self TestA test module to verify implementation of the HAL
 Crosstalk Calibration CLIA CLI module to interactively run crosstalk calibration
 Demo ApplicationsAFBR-S50 API Demo Applications
 Explorer ApplicationThe AFBR-S50 Explorer Application featuring the SCI interface
 PlatformPlatform Dependent Code
 DriverHardware Driver Module
 AFBR-S50 SCI APIAFBR-S50 Explorer Application - Serial Commands
 AFBR-S50 Explorer - Explorer calibration functionsAFBR-S50 Explorer - Explorer calibration functions
 AFBR-S50 Explorer - Explorer configuration functionsAFBR-S50 Explorer - Explorer configuration functions
 AFBR-S50 Explorer - Explorer Device functionsAFBR-S50 Explorer - Explorer Device functions
 AFBR-S50 Explorer Application - Util functionsAFBR-S50 Explorer Application - Util functions
 AFBR-S50 Explorer Application - ConfigAFBR-S50 Explorer Application - Config
 Explorer Macro OperationsExplorer Application Macro helper operations
 Data Types for the AFBR-S50 Explorer Demo ApplicationAFBR-S50 Explorer Application - Data Types
 Explorer VersionExplorer Application Code Version
 AFBR-S50 Explorer ApplicationAFBR-S50 Explorer Application
 AFBR-S50 Explorer Flash ModuleAFBR-S50 Explorer Flash Module
 AFBR-S50 Explorer Application - TasksAFBR-S50 Explorer Application - Tasks
 SCI: Systems Communication InterfaceSystems Communication Interface
 SCI: Byte StuffingSCI byte stuffing definitions
 SCI: Generic Command DefinitionsGeneric Command Definitions
 SCI: CRC8SCI CRC8 (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
 SCI: Data Link LayerSCI Data Link Layer
 SCI: Data FramesSCI Data Frames
 SCI: HandshakingSCI Handshaking Module
 Task SchedulerA simple cooperative task scheduler with prioritized tasks
 Task ProfilerA utility module that measures execution times of tasks
 Status CodesStatus Codes Definitions for the Task Scheduler
 AFBR-S50 API ExamplesExample and Demo Projects for the AFBR-S50 API
 CAN ApplicationAFBR-S50 Reference Board CAN-bus example application
 CAN API interfaceCAN interface for the AFBR-S50 Reference Board CAN application
 CAN Application VersionAFBR-S50 CAN Application version number
 UART API interfaceUART interface for the AFBR-S50 Reference Board CAN application